Endless Triple Comedy in Odessa theaters

Odessa Academic Theatre Of Musical Comedy Named After M. Vodyanoy 8945

Let’s talk about theatres, the performances and break there. Go into this story of hypnosis… to Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre, to Odessa Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy named after M. Vodyanoy, to Odessa Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre named after V. Vasylko. 

You are looking for Your balcony at Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre and You find it. Just how to get there? No handle in the door, just a rectangular hole. Your eyes are looking for staff. You’re watching the Koreans who are silently acting also, You hear German and English shouts “Where is the door handle?”, “Maybe You know how to open these doors?” Your confusion ends after seeing a few “handles owners”. After the break it’s will be easy for You to enter back to the balcony.

It’s performance break… You go to the theatres cafe. Will You get full of glasses of sparkling wine, or half full? It’s curious for You. The “Champagne” bowls are the same in all theatres of Odessa seaport – Odessa Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy named after M. Vodyanoy, in Odessa Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre named after V. Vasylko (known as the Theatre Sibiryakova) and in Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Odessa Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy named after M. Vodyanoy

What snacks do You like? Triangular shaped with cucumbers decorated sandwiches with tongue roll or with salmon? That You can find in all these mentioned places. The biggest ambition is to desert. Only Odessa Opera and Ballet Theatre can offer a piece of pie or cake. For example – cakes with a bald cream. In Musical Comedy Theatre and Music and Drama Theatre You will find only usual chocolate bars or ordinary ice cream, in the package. But don’t worry – the restaurants in the “City Garden” wait for You with mussels.

The break goes on… Time for You to visit the WC. At the Odessa Academic Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre named after. V. Vasylko, that is now on renovation, You will see the toilet doors that will make You cry or laugh. That doors are so strange and small, that You see the person inside. When he/she are standing, above the door You can see the his/her head, when he/she are sitting – only the feet. Such toilets can be seen near the luggage storage at the Lviv train station too. Incredible!

EN: Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater

DE: Opernhaus Odessa

LT: Odesos nacionalinis operos ir baleto teatras

УА: Одеський національний академічний театр опери та балету

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