Technologies of the Past: test it at Kamyanets-Podilskyi fortress

Cropped Kamyanets Podilskyi Burg Ausstellung Technologien Der Vergangenheit Leonardo Da Vinci Archimedes 6.jpg

In Kamyanets-Podilskyi, on the territory of the Old Castle for visitors waits  an exhibition “Technologies of the Past”.

Here are the inventions of the genius of Leonardo da Vinci, Archimedes, a household and military weapons, which humanity has used in ancient times, starting from the Stone Age. 

The feature of the exhibition “Technologies of the past” is the ability to test most devices in action.

Here is a odometer or a device for measuring distance. It was used in the 3rd century BC in China. The rotation of the wheels of the trolley was driven by gears, gears rotated the shaft, and the shaft driven the drive, consisting of two parts – metal and wooden.

After a certain distance (one mile) from the special openings to the box fell stones. To determine the distance it was enough to count the number of stones.

Among other exhibits is a machine for drawing cuts on a file, an ancient castle that has more than 2.000 years, a crane of the 14th-15th century model, a hydro pilorram, a bullet of Geron, lighting, musical devices, and many other interesting things.The exhibition also presents the invention of Leonardo Da Vinci – an assault ladder, which today, in a more upgraded version, is used by firefighters.

Especially this exhibition will be interesting for children, because here you can not only look, but also under the close supervision of guides, to test the mechanisms in action. 

Till 2017 “Technologies of the Past” exhibition was successfully presented in Lutsk castle (Ukraine).